UM Centre

Unfolding-Motivation Centre

practical centre for Psychotherapy, Pedagogy, Medizin and Human Ethology


The practical center for psychotherapy, pedagogy, medicine, evolutionary biology, and human ethology investigates the unfolding phenomena first identified in 2015 during hypnotherapy sessions. Patients experienced abstract images that could not be categorized as either fantasy or memory. Six months later, the first spontaneous movements were observed during a hypnotherapy session. In 2016, these images and movements were considered separate phenomena until 2017 when it was recognized that they could develop into complex movement sequences.

Evolutionary theories of these phenomena, their organizing and reorganizing effects, and their relation to developmental plasticity were investigated, leading to the description of the unfolding process in 2020. In the following years, these phenomena were observed in patients of various ages and symptoms and categorized into modular sets and subunits.

Based on observations and sequential analysis of communication regarding the needs of Maslow's hierarchy of needs, the motivation behind the unfolding phenomena was examined. These insights led to the classification of being and growth motivation according to Maslow (1971) into the new category of unfolding motivation, characterized by reorganization and renewal.

These phenomena spontaneously occurred during hypnotherapy and were studied in connection with Rossi's implicit processing heuristic, Ericksonian hypnotherapy, and its techniques. The role of psychotherapists in promoting growth, deficit, and unfolding motivation was emphasized.




The phases of the phenotypic reorganization of these phenomena were examined, and their alignment with the unfolding motivational process was analyzed. Additionally, the occurrence of unfolding phenomena in therapy was observed and illustrated with examples. The process was divided into modular sets: activating set, balancing set, healing/sensory set, cognitive set, innovative set, and being-consciousness set.

The goal is the continuous research and practical application of these phenomena and the creation of an "ethogram" of unfolding phenomena during hypnotherapy. This will serve as an information resource for psychotherapists and researchers. Collaborations with universities, institutes, students, and educators are sought to promote study and research.

Dr. Erika Chovanec

Vorgartenstraße 29-143/3/1-2

1020 Vienna

Tel: 004369911692185


Unfolding Motivation Center

More information to follow (stay tuned)...